Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 146: Watch out for that Dinosaur...

I’m back!

After taking some time off of the diet and exercising [not on purpose], I am back to it!  It feels so much better to eat well and work out!  I missed it. 

What did you miss? 

Well I decreased my calorie intake to about 1500 instead of the 1200, and then went on vacation the first weekend in May to Charleston.  Of course I didn’t stick to the 1500 for the weekend…hello I was in the middle of the Low Country!  Who can pass up shrimp and grits, fried green tomatoes, and chicken and waffles??!!  Not this girl. 
Then I was ready to jump back in on My Fitness Pal, and bam…sick.  My sweet Ellis came back from Pippa and G-Tum’s [my parents] house with a cold and an ear infection.  Well, I guess I was kissing on her too much because I got it too.  Only mine didn’t go away for 2.5 weeks!!!!  I ended up going to the doc and getting some potent antibiotics, and THEN I had a nasty reaction to those.  Not good.  So, finally [3 weeks later] my cough is gone and my voice has finally come back!  Praise God!

Woohoo!  Photo from Woman's Health
This morning I ran for the first time in at least a month probably.  I forgot how much I love to run outside!  It’s finally lighter out in the early morning, and it was nice and cool.  I could smell the flowers too!  How lovely!  I really did enjoy my run.  I think I may incorporate running [not on a treadmill] back into my workouts.  I was really getting into just doing the circuit training for my cardio, but I think running will help me clear my head a little more.  And you get the lovely runners high.  Woohoo!

What is runner’s high?  Wikipedia.org says that it’s when strenuous exercise “takes a person over a threshold that activates endorphin production.”  So picture you being chased by a dinosaur way back in the day.  Kinda like that part of fight of flight where you have to get the heck out of there or else you get eaten.  Thanks to the cavemen, we can fight through the pain of running and actually feel good afterwards!  [And of course reap the great benefits of great cardiovascular, calorie blasting exercise!] Good stuff.

Hopefully you will not have to experience any huge, scary, man-eating things chasing you today!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I just got back into it as well after taking a few weeks off and had a very similar first run back experience! I love the runner's high; I always feel so much better after a good run.

    1. Thats awesome! yay for us for getting back to it! I can't wait to get back into running. It's good stuff!
