Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 100: Keep on Truckin'

It has been 100 days!  I can't believe it has been 100 days!  To tell you the truth, I am proud of myself.  I have stuck with a diet, no, healthy way of life for 100 days! Woohoo!

In those 100 days I have gained weight only twice.  Those two times have been in the last 30 days.  That's not so great.  I think that means that I am starting to slow down and get complacent.  Last week I noticed this and tried to step it up.  Last Friday I weighed in and lost the 2 pounds I gained the week before.  Now I have officially lost 22 pounds.  Pretty good, but I want more!

How do I get more?

Here is my strategy:

1- Keep working out 5-6 days a week...hard.
2- Add another strength training session per week, the more muscle I have, the more calories I will burn at rest
3- Try to finish my food diary 100 calories under

I think I can pull these off and lose another 8 pounds by May 22.  I can do it!!!

Here's to another 100 health conscious days!

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