Friday, June 27, 2014

Hello, Muscles.

When you are pregnant, lots of glorious beautiful things happen to your body...ok...most of them are not beautiful at all.  Your joints loosen [sprained ankles, aching hips].  Your spine actually changes shape [love the pregnancy sway back].  Your body instinctively starts saving up fat [just in case you, I dunno, run out of ice cream and cheetos].  And my favorite, your abs get stretched beyond recognition and sometimes even separate and tear! Oh the joys of pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong, it is a huge gift to be able to have a child, and I wouldn't change it for the world.  But, you can really tell God is a man.  

Baby Cap at 6 weeks!

Now that I've hit the 6 week mark, I have been cleared to exercise!  Woohoo!!! I am actually excited about this.  I haven't had a great, high intensity work out for almost a year! When you start doing higher intensity work outs like I was doing last year, you get addicted to them.  They make you feel awesome and like you really accomplished something. Well, no crazy workouts for me yet. Here's the problem:

I don't know where my abs went.

I know they are in there somewhere, but all I feel and see is a bunch if mush! That is, until Thursday morning.  I did the Tracy Anderson Method: Post Pregnancy Workout DVD.  Wow! She is hard core!  She even said she created the workout for post partum moms and older folks.  That workout kicked my butt!  20 minutes was all abs...20 minutes...of trying to get my mush to cooperate!  Phew!  It was a great muscular workout that is supposed to make your muscles long and lean like a dancer's.  

I'm feeling my abs now!  And my butt, and my arms, and my thighs.  Hey, at least I know they are still there! I am proud of myself for finishing all 45 minutes of the work out.  Now I just need to psych myself up again for the next one!

I'm excited to be back on my weight loss journey!  I know I'll reach my goal, it just may take a while :)

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