Monday, January 8, 2018

Baby got back.

Yep, you read that right. Baby got back. 

Ok, maybe not this kind of "back"...Mr. Sir Mix A Lot. [Ok, maybe a little]

Who is baby, you may ask? Well, baby is me. I got back...and by back, I mean I got some pounds back. [Booooooo!] You guessed it. I gained some of the weight back, and I've actually lost some too. But a lot has happened between now and my last blog post back in September 2015. So, to give you a run down:

  • I have aged 2.5 years [sniffle, sniffle, quiet sob]
  • I have lost 2 lbs, then gained 9, then lost 5, then gained 2, then lost 3, get it
  • I have been in a wedding for the first time as a Matron of Honor [Yay Michele!]
  • My kids went from 1.5 to 3.5 and 3.75 and 6 [so big!]
  • We bought a house a few doors down from the in-laws
  • We renovated that never know how strong your marriage is until you go through a move and renovation of the house you are living in [still going strong for 9 years this year]
You get it. A lot has happened. 

It's that time of year again. Time to make the donuts...that I ate a few months ago that have taken their residence on my backside...disappear! As in the past, this blog has been my way of keeping accountable with myself. If that can help anyone else [all two of you that are reading this], that will be amazing.

So come back on occasion, and I'll share some of my adventure of losing some weight ....again! This time around, I have a new way to do it.

See you in a few days with more!

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