Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 1, Again

Is it just me or does everyone pretty much despise January?

Me in December:
Yes, more wine!
Yes, more chocolate!
Yes, more donuts!
Yes, more ice cream!
Yes, more cocktails!
Yes, more donuts!
Yes, more donuts!
Yes, more donuts!

Me in January:
Why did I drink so much wine?
Why did I eat so many sweet deliciously yummy fantastic treats?
Why did I shovel donuts in my face so often? [ok not that often, but come on]

If you haven't seen 10 Things I Hate About You, stop reading this and watch it for the love of everything teenage, angsty and cheesy.
So, here I go. I'm gonna have to start telling myself no. No thanks. No ma'am. Nope-a-dope-a-lope [you can thank Ellis the 6 yo for that one]. About 10 months ago I started a new type of weight loss journey. I started Keto dieting. Yep. The dreaded low-carb diet. Before you stop reading this because you love carbs, just give me a sec.

A friend from my church that I grew up with started doing a low carb diet and lost a lot of weight. I can't remember exactly how much, but somewhere between 75 and 100 lbs. Her health improved exponentially. [Yay Joy! You are an inspiration!] So, I figured I'd give it a try. Well, I lost almost 20 lbs in a few months! I also didn't get the afternoon sleepies that I was getting with my carb heavy diet before. I could see the fat coming off and staying off. 

So Keto diet. Here is the basic run down. It is a low carb, high fat, moderate protein diet. You eat 65% fat, 25% protein, 10% net carbs [20 - 30 grams]. Think bacon, avocado, eggs, steaks, veggies, cheese...and wine! Yes, wine! But, no donuts. No pasta. No sweets.

So this is what I will be doing, along with exercise. Oh, yeah, I had knee surgery a year ago, so that has changed the whole exercise situation. More on that later.

If I found this great diet, and lost 18 lbs, why would I need to come back to this blog? Well, because I am a human being [who likes donuts] and also I just love food and baking. I missed it. And as everyone knows, dieting through the Holiday Season is just sad and depressing. Ha. OH, and I have to put on a bathing suit in front of coworkers and customers in March. Correction, March 1st. That is really not far from now. Yikes. And I gained back about 9 of those 18....sooooooooo, time to get back on it.

If you want to find out more on the Keto Diet, here are some GREAT resources:

www.ketoconnect.net - Awesome folks who live Keto, great videos and recipes
www.ketoconnect.net/ketogenic-diet/ - Learn about the diet and how it works here
www.ibreatheimhungry.com - Love her recipes

So there is a lot to unpack about this diet. If you are interested, take a look at these links above. I'm happy to answer questions too! 

More later!

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