Friday, January 12, 2018

Day 5 - Keto you say?

It's Day 5 of Keto dieting. How has it been you may ask? Weeellllllll, going from putting all of the carbs in my face hole to putting none of the carbs in my face hole is always a challenge. The first two days usually are ok, and then the third day. Oh the third day. Ever heard of "keto flu"? Well, its a thing. Basically your body is freaking out because you haven't given it carbs. [And it got really used to and comfortable with the Christmas cookies, chocolates, bread and chips you were feeding it for 2 weeks straight, basically your body hates you for a day.] It's trying to switch from burning carbs to burning fat. So, I was dragging on Wednesday this week. BUT I made it through! And I lost 1.4 pounds. YAY!

I forgot to mention in my last post this this type of diet is not for everyone. Want to be on a diet that you can eat cheese, bacon, eggs, steak, avocado, butter, olive oil, veggies, nuts, nut butters and cream? Keto is for you!

Image result for keto diet

If you can't live without real pasta, bread, sweets and other carbalicious things, Keto may not be for you. 

But wait, it could be. 

There are tons of alternatives that sometimes live up to [or close to] the deliciousness of these things. For example: zoodles [noodles made by spiralizing veggies like zucchini {zucchini+noodles=zoodles}], cloud bread [low carb bread made with eggwhites], low carb sweets like lemon bars and cookies [made with carb free natural sweetener like stevia or erythritol]. Just google "Keto ____ [bread, cookies, cake]" and you will find recipes.

Image result for keto desserts
Um, YES PLEASE! Thank you Low Carb Maven!

Some folks excel at just counting calories. Some do great at macro counting. Some love plans like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. I have tried just about everything. I've lost weight on most plans, but I have kept the most off for a long period of time with Keto. You are actually burning the fat stores in your body [bu-bye hips, tummy, junk in the trunk] for energy instead of burning glucose [carbs] in your bloodstream. does an excellent job explaining this:

"You've probably heard of the fact that you can go weeks without food but only a couple of days without water.The reason for this is ketosis. Most people, for better or for worse, have enough fat stored on them to fuel their body for a while.

When your body is in a state of ketosis, it produces ketones. Ketones occur from the breakdown of fat in the liver. You might be thinking why isn't the body constantly breakdown fats in the liver? Well, when your body is producing insulin, the insulin prevents the fat cells from entering the bloodstream so they stay stored in the body.

When you lower your carb intake, glucose levels, along with blood sugar levels, drop which in turn lowers insulin levels. This allows the fat cells to release the water they are storing (it's why you first see a drop in water weight) and then the fat cells are able to enter the bloodstream and head to the liver.

This is the end goal of the keto diet. You don't enter ketosis by starving your body. You enter ketosis by starving your body of carbohydrates. When your body is producing optimal ketone levels you begin to notice many healh, weight loss, physical and mental performance benefits."

Now that you know all of the things about Keto, what do you think? Good? Bad? Do you think I'm wrecking my life with low carb? HA! Ha?

Don't worry, I only do low carb for about 2 weeks, then give myself a little break. I see a healthy serving of pasta in my future in approximately 9 days....maybe.

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