Friday, January 19, 2018

Day 12 - Snow Days, Bonking and Results!

Sitting here in lovely Georgia looking out my window on the snow. Yep, snow. It snowed 3+ inches here with temps in the teens. It's so beautiful and so serene. 


Streets are icy, it's so cold in my house, and I can only take the kids out to play in the frigid temperatures for small amounts at a time before their eyeballs start freezing over. Ok, ok, snow is beautiful, but we in the South have NO CLUE what to do with it or how to handle it. GDOT has like 3 salt trucks and Gwinnett county has probably 0 of those. [Forgive me for my sarcasm.]

Ok, enough complaining. I'm sorry. I just need my kiddos to get back on their schedule of going to school and seeing their friends [and coming home tired and letting me work!]. Love them so much.

So how has it been going? 

Well, pretty good. I do notice that for a few days last week I was bonking [fancy workout speak for running out fuel/energy while working out] during the middle of my workouts. I use the Peloton App for spinning routines on my spin bike in my basement. I normally do 30-45 min. It is tough! I burn anywhere form 300 - 500 calories per workout. I love it! 

Love this image from Working On Your Now!

When I'm doing Keto, I sometimes run out of energy about 15 minutes in. I'm not sure why, other than, duh, my body doesn't have fast energy to burn in the form of glucose carbs in the bloodstream]. The body has to use your fat stores to be able to provide fuel. This take longer, so you can feel like you are hitting a wall if you are doing a lot of high intensity training. [Not sure 15 min of HIIT spinning is exactly that, but I'm gonna go with it]. So I'm not an expert. I'm also not a super fit athlete who does 90 minutes of high intensity exercise per day. BUT I am limiting my carb intake and finding that I hit that wall during higher intensity workouts. I can't add carbs, so I have to find something else I am lacking to give me a boost. 

After a bunch of reading, I've found that possibly using electrolyte supplements could help! Sodium, magnesium and potassium are electrolytes that your body needs to work. When you are on a keto diet, you eliminate a lot of the processed foods that contain these types of minerals. Also, it is hard to make sure you are getting enough of these by food alone. If you are running out of these, you are likely to end up having Keto Flu. This is when you feel very fatigued, lathargic and sometimes nauseous. No good. Here is a good article from that will explain it more for you.

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I do think that part of the issues I'm having with bonking are from not replenishing my electrolytes adequately. When doing high intensity exercise you sweat and lose sodium and water. I usually drink a lot of water while working out, but that then displaces the already lowered amount of electrolytes in my body from ketosis. I have added in a Magnesium supplement, but I need to find Potassium and Sodium. has some great suggestions for supplements [I love these guys!]. Look under Essential Keto Supplements.

I will try some of these and get back to you. Hopefully they will help!!!

Oh yeah! Results!!! Almost forgot. I am officially down 5 lbs! Woohoo! This is why I love this diet. I get to eat cheese and bacon and lose weight!

I hope you have a wonderful [and warm] day wherever you are! My kids actually have school/nanny today, so I may get some work done!!! [THANK YOU GWINNETT COUNTY SCHOOLS and MRS. DEANNA! I LOVE YOU SO!]

Have a great weekend! 

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