Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 11 - Jury Duty...ugh

A few weeks ago I got the dreaded summons in the mail.  Jury Duty. I've only been summoned once before and never stepped foot in the court room.  This time I was part of the original 12 that they wanted, and they got me. For 3 whole days, I was stuck in either a courtroom chair or the jury assembly area in a chair, or the jury guessed a chair.

Should have tried this one...

Don't get me wrong, it was fascinating and I am happy to do my civic duty, but REALLY!  Now? Being confined to chairs and rooms for 3 days! Not a very good mix for trying to lose weight! So here was my plan [similar to my plan from my day of meetings]. 

1 - Try to eat as healthfully as possible.
2 - Get up and move as much as allowed.
3 - Try to exercise before or after at home.

I did ok at this. I ate at the court cafeteria each day, and luckily they did have some healthier well as burgers and fries. The people that worked in the courthouse in other offices probably thought i was crazy though. "Who is this woman walking around the offices all the time?" I'm sure this was thought or said. I walked around and around the main areas in the building to try to get some steps in! I did get in 2 days with exercise at home on these days - 2 out of 3 isn't terrible I guess. 

All in all, it could have been worse. I weighed yesterday and looks like I have lost about .4 lbs so far this week. Not great, but it definitely could have been worse!

Where am I now?

I've lost 1.5 lbs in 2 weeks. 

Not really on the pace that I wanted.  So, I guess I need to step up my game!

I've been eating my exercise calories. I'm some sure some of you are like, "How can you eat exercise?"  HA! Well, if you read any of my blog from before when I lost weight after having Ellis, you will know that I use My Fitness Pal []. It is a diet and fitness tracker...and I LOVE it!  You basically log everything, and I mean EVERYTHING you eat into it. Yep, even that half a spoonful of Nutella you just swiped from the pantry. That delicious little morsel of chocolate hazelnut goodness probably had 100 to 200 calories [depending on the size of the spoon and blob of deliciousness on it]. THEN, when you exercise, you enter how many calories you burned and the type and duration of the exercise. In MFP, those calories are added to your core calories that you set up to determine what you need to eat to lose the amount of weight you want to lose at the rate you want to lose it.

For me, I get 1,386 calories per day. I did yoga for about 25 minutes yesterday and burned an extra 165 calories. My fitbit recorded that I burned an extra 340 calories in addition just by walking around and chasing my crazy kids. So, that is 1,386 + 505 that I could eat yesterday.  So I went a little crazy and actually ate 59 over that yesterday ... ugh. Stupid nutella.

Anyways, what I'm thinking is that I need to stop letting myself eat all of those exercise calories. Maybe cap myself at 1,500 calories each day that I exercise. Maybe that will make the scale move a bit more. I'll let you know how that goes!

I'm going to go hide the nutella now.  

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! you probably lost more than .4 lbs! That courthouse food prob had lots of sodium too!! Great job on losing! :)
