Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 1...Again

Good Morning!

It's the Monday after our vacation. I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I had gained 1.2 lbs since the last time I weighed about a week and a half ago. So now I am only about 2.2 lbs away from where I was when I got pregnant with Cap.

No bad. But, I still have about 30 lbs to go to be where I want to be. I would like to be there by November 21, my beautiful friend, Michele's wedding day! I'm so excited for her! 

That gives me about 20 weeks to take off the weight. That's 140 days. That's about 1.5 lbs per week.

So, I'm putting this out there.  I will be 30 lbs lighter in 20 weeks by eating healthy and exercising. I will not do any fad dieting. I will not starve myself. I will be a good example to my family. 

Oh, and I will be an awesome Maid of Honor!

More on this to come....


  1. You are already THE BEST Maid of Honor!!!!! My goal is 30 by the wedding too!!! We soooooooooo got this!
