Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 3: Meetings!

My life consists of running after 2 sweet babies, trying to spend time with my hubs, and working at a job that I love.  I work in marketing, and it is something I had invisioned my self doing since I took my first marketing class. It took me a round about way to get here, but I'm here now [yay!]. My work days when I don't travel are pretty predictable...MEETINGS!

Yes meetings. some of which are like this...

and like this...

but thankfully NONE are like this...[thank you Jesus!]

Mostly my meetings include lots of sitting and going out for lunch or dinner or both.  Both of these can TOTALLY derail my weightloss train.

So, I'm going to try a few things today:
1 - Each time we take a break, I am going to make a lap around the office [and it's a BIG office]
2 - Lunch will be something protien heavy and carb light.  Maybe a salad with chicken. Maybe Chinese without the fried part or the rice.
3 - Drink a LOT of water.  Restaurant food has a crazy amount of sodium in it, so gotta counter act that!

I'm going to try to do these, but I won't beat myself up if I don't do all of them.  Wish me luck!!

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