Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 23 - Cheat Days

It's been 23 days [3.2 weeks], and I am happy to say that I have lost 3.3 lbs!  Now if you read through any of my blog from 2013, that seems like nothing.  Back then I was focused on losing 2 lbs per week. I was on a 1200 calorie diet. I came really close to making my goal weight for that time in my life and I am very proud of what I accomplished back then. [Check out my blog from 2013 by clicking on the blogs on the right of this page :)]

Now, I am trying for 1.5 lbs per week.  3.3 lbs is not 1.5 lbs lost per week for 3 weeks...that should be around 4.5 lbs.  So, I was thinking, what the heck am I doing different? I have a confession to make.  I've cheated.... There, I said it.  I cheated on my healthy decisions! [Sobs] ...and I liked it...[Noooooooooooo!] Here's the kicker, I cheated basically every weekend...and didn't log it into www.myfitnesspal.com... I know, I know, I am the scum of the earth!  [Ok, a little drama never REALLY hurt anyone did it?]

cheat day - splurge day - Is it right for you? #healthyhappysmart #Diet

Back to reality. [I'll leave the drama to my sweet 3.5 year old Ellis - she is the master.] Are cheat days really bad?  No!  I did some research and it is ok to cheat!  Let the collective cries of happiness ring out in every gym in the country!  But wait, you have to be smart about it. Here is a good article I found in Shape magazine written by Dr. Mike Roussell [nutrition PHD].

Here are the main points:

You can still lose weight while having a "cheat" meal once [yes only once] a week. Just keep the following in mind:

1 - Hit your targets 90% of the time. If you are making good food/exercise decisions 90% of the time, you will stay on track or relatively close to on track. 

2 - Stop calling it cheating, you earned it!  So he is suggesting that if you try hard all week, exercise, make healthy eating choices, you deserve a little splurge maybe on Saturday night.  Have that margarita [not 4] or burger or slice of pizza [again, not 4].

3 - Plan your splurge. If you plan it then you can look forward to it and savor it! If you just mindlessly shove potato chips into your face hole, you will not enjoy it and you will want another splurge.

That is where Dr. Roussell stops, but I will add one more...

4 - LOG IT! Log EVERYTHING into your meal tracking app.  I use myfitnesspal.com, friend me [leahmontgomery11] on there and you can see everything I eat...including my "cheats"! So I figure if I log every single morsel of splurginess, I will get a true picture of what my splurge does to my goals. Then [maybe] I will think twice about drinking those [4] margaritas. 

Be accountable for your actions my friends!

Yes 3.3 lbs is good, but to get to where I want to be, I need to step it up. So, from here on out, I am going to log each and every thing I put into my face hole. I'm going to challenge you to do the same!!  


  1. I cheated last night and didn't log it, b/c i knew i would be over. Good point. I'm going to log everything! Even on weekends!!! If i put it in my face hole i'm logging it in myfit!
