Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 26: 4 Weeks Already?

Yes! It's already been 4 weeks!  Craziness! I have been on my weight-loss journey for 4 weeks.  And the results? Well, that is hard to tell.

Weight Lost: 3 lbs
Inches Lost: 1.5 waist, 1 hips

So, not that great.  Sustainable, but not impressive.  I am not even going to look at how I was doing at this time on my last "journey". Ok, I did.  Ugh.

What am I doing differently?
1 - My calories are set a little higher  - not 1200 per day
2 - I'm working out at home, not the gym
3 - I haven't been logging my weekend food for most of the time [started last weekend]
4 - I'm 35, not 32  [wow what a difference 3 years makes]
5 - I have gone through 2 pregnancies, not just 1

These seem like a LOT of excuses.  And if I am honest with myself, i have been using these excuses as a crutch.  NO MORE!

I was so sad this Thursday when I weighed myself, it said I had gained back the 1.5ish I had lost last week. And I had been working out and burning at least 2500 cals each day.  So I started looking into weight fluctuations.  Did you know your weight can fluctuate from 1-15 lbs during the day and week depending on water intake, food intake, water retention, muscle soarness, and a bunch of other factors!  I had no idea.  

This has made me start thinking, what if my weight is not what I should be worried about? BINGO! Measurements!

Thank you Muffins vs. Muffintop
How totally awesome is this!  Yes, I would like to compare myself to Wonder Woman and collect my super awesome measurements on this chart!  Thank you!

In addition to measurements of my bod, I went to a gym my friend Michele goes to and got a body assessment done.  Let me tell you, it was so cool!  They give you a print out of what your bones weigh, what your fat weighs, and what your muscles weigh!  And it tells me where I should be, and even tells you how everything is distributed throughout your body.  Like I have more muscle mass in my right leg than my left, and most of my fat is located in my "trunk" which makes me feel kinda like an elephant. [Trunk is your midsection...not to be confused with junk in the trunk] But the nutritionist lady said that was normal.

So, here are my new goals.
-Reduce fat mass
-Increase muscle mass
-Lose inches

If I do all of that, my weight will naturally go down.  More to come on how to actually do that!

I'm coming for your month 2!  You are doing down!!!!
Had to, just so cute...and true


  1. I freaking love this blog. Every time you post something, it really motivates me to stick with it. Love you!

    1. YAY! love you too!!!! Glad someone other than me reads it ;-P
