Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 33: Skiing = Major Calorie Burn!

Back to reality.  Vacation is always a great time until the night before you have to go back to the real world, back to work, back to chores, back to going to the gym at 5:45…and back to the dreaded scale!!!  Yikes!!!!  I stepped on the scale this morning, feeling my half a cheese burger I had on Monday night [I was proud of myself for only eating half, but I did eat most of the fries].  I was thinking about all the skiing I did, and the stairs I climbed.  Who knew one house could have so many stairs!  I was also thinking about the food I ate for lunches while skiing…chilli [chicken, not beef at least], baked potato, cheese, tomato soup, grilled cheese [ok, only half]…  I felt like my clothes were fitting a tiny bit less snug, but I couldn’t tell for sure.  I stepped on and, I lost 2 pounds!!  Woohoo!  I don’t think I have EVER lost weight on a vacation before.  It’s usually the opposite!  I am soooo relieved.

Here is how I lost weight.  SKIING!  Like I said in the previous post [Day 27: I’m a Ski Bunny!] , skiing burns a ton of calories.  Where I looked it up, it said that in 3 hours, I would burn 1,800 calories.  Well, I actually wore my heart rate monitor for 2 of my 3 days skiing.  This is what I found.

Yes, you read that right, 3,091 total calories burned!  I turned on the heart rate monitor at about 9:00 am and took this photo on my way down the gondola at around 2:00 pm.  That includes sitting on lifts, skiing, and about an hour long lunch.  AMAZING, RIGHT??!!  No wonder you don’t see any obese people skiing!  I would LOVE to live near the slopes.  Too bad all the ski hills near us are covered in ice for most of the season….oh, well. 

When I was out in Colorado, I didn’t track my food intake in MFP [My Fitness Pal], but I was mindful of how much I was eating.  The first day when we were eating lunch, I was starving, so I got a chicken chili, topped it with cheese and sour cream.  Then I got an apple, and half a brownie.  Oh, yeah, and shared fries with Matt.  Not good.  The entire rest of the day I was soo full, and had a hard time skiing.  I probably burned off all that food, but I really didn’t need it [and it made me feel like crap].  I improved some the next day, and I finally did ok on the third day with half a grilled cheese and tomato soup…and some soft pretzel. 

I got to enjoy the foods I don’t normally eat because I was on the type of vacation that included lots of physical activity.  I think in the future, my family will try to build our family vacations around something active.  Maybe we will go kayaking at the beach, or swimming and water skiing at the lake.  This way I can enjoy some my vacation foods that I don’t usually eat on a regular basis.

We had a great time skiing, and I can’t wait to go back! 


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