Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 48: 6 Weeks Results

It’s been a month and a half and I am somewhat on track.  Woohoo!  I was actually kinda worried because I was out of town this weekend till Monday [sorry for the lack of posts!].  We were up at my parent’s lakehouse.  We had a great relaxing time…and of course we had to go to El Cancun one night.  El Cancun has the best food around for the price.  In other words, it’s cheap greasy Mexican food!  Yum!  I think you can get a full dinner for $3.99!  That’s craziness!  I ended up getting chicken fajitas…and yes, I did count out 12 tortilla chips to eat.  I know that sounds ridiculously dorky!  You gotta understand, if I don’t count them out, I eat way over one serving [probably more like 2 or 3].  But hey, I got to eat chips and salsa and fajitas!  Yum! 

Jim N Nick's Devil Muffins...Recipe courtesy of Tastebook

I was also not feeling so great this weekend and some of this week.  That meant that I didn’t work out.  I had to stay at 1200 calories with no wiggle room.  That is hard!  It’s especially hard if you go eat Mexican food, and don’t feel like cooking.  Eating out is just a huge calorie splurge usually.  Like yesterday, I had sales guys in town and we went to lunch at Jim N Nick’s BBQ.  If you have never been to a Jim N Nick’s, it’s a really tasty BBQ restaurant with these addictive cheddar corn muffins.  They are seriously like crack.  So I’m sitting there with my phone opened up to the My Fitness Pal app [] trying to figure out what I could eat.  Weeeeeelllllll, really the only thing I could afford calorie wise was a salad [shocker].  As you can imagine, I eat a lot of salads when I go out for lunch or dinner.  So I had my salad with smoked chicken on top [YUMMMM], half the portion of house vinaigrette, and yes…I had ONE cheddar corn muffin.  Those suckers are 182 calories each!!!  They are like half the size of your computer mouse.  Tiny.  Just enough muffin to make you mad that you can’t eat another.  But, I did not give in.  Even when the server came out with yet ANOTHER basket of these little devils, I still did not waver.  YAY ME!  Lunch turned out to be under 500 calories, which is a pretty good accomplishment at a restaurant.
So you can imagine that I REALLY didn’t want to get on the scale.  As luck would have it, I actually lost another 2 pounds!  That’s a total of 12.4 pounds!  I am now one pound under where I got stuck in my previous efforts to lose weight while nursing last summer.  YAY!  Big accomplishment for me!  Now let’s see if I hit another plateau right around this weight for if I can blast through it.  I’m hoping for the later. 




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