Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 54: Knock, Knock...

I am scared for my weigh-in tomorrow.  This is why:

Back in late January:
Door:  Knock, knock.
Me:  Who’s there?
Girl Scout:  The sweet Girl Scout from down the street!  Would you like to buy some cookies?
Me:  Yes!  Of course I do!  I love the Girl Scouts! [Read, I love COOKIES!]
             Girl Scout:  How many would you like?

             Me:  4 Boxes, thanks!

[2 Days Later]
Door: Knock, knock.
Me: Who’s there?
Girl Scout:  The sweet Girl Scout from across the street!  Would you like to buy
some cookies?
Me:  Yes!  Of course I do!  I love the Girl Scouts! [Read, I love even more COOKIES!]
            Girl Scout:  How many would you like?

Me:  4 Boxes, thanks!
Girl Scout Cookies! Yummm
This is what happens when you miss out on Girl Scout cookies one year.  Last year we did not get ANY GS cookies!  Can you believe that?!!  I think that was the first year something like this has ever happened.  So when the little girl from a few houses down the street came by peddling her sweet cookie goodies, I had to partake!  This girl was NOT missing out on her GS cookies this year!  Even if they come in the middle of my plan to get back to pre-baby weight.  Weeeeelllll, then my sweet neighbor Kathryn came by with her cutie little girl Olivia.  I couldn’t help it!  I had to get more!  I want to support these sweet girls and their organization….Ok, that’s only partly the reason.  I wanted to make sure I would have enough cookies!  [Wow, I sound like a pig!]

Now I am realizing, too many GS cookies is NOT a good thing.  I can’t resist them!  They are sitting out on our counter calling my name.  When I should be reaching in the fridge for a delicious 80 calorie Greek yogurt, the dang Samoas are saying, “Psssst, hey lady.  Wouldn’t you rather have one or two of me than that diet yogurt stuff?”  Well, yeah of course I would!  But that’s 160 calories for two of those tiny Samoas.  I should have eaten the yogurt.  I already put one box of thin mints in the freezer.  Maybe I should put the rest of the Samoas and Tag-a-longs in there too.  Or maybe I should have just donated money instead of buying 8 boxes this year!  Bad Leah!
I wonder if Matt would kill me if I brought the rest in to the office to get rid of?  They are seriously what is making my daily calories go over my goal.  Not Good!  If it’s not in the house, I don’t eat it and don’t even think about eating it usually.  This is a good lesson learned.  Don’t keep junk in your house if you are trying to be healthy and lose weight!  You are just playing with fire…or in this case Girl Scout cookies!




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