Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 55: The Montgomery Plateau

A plateau is a flat elevated landform that rises sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side [thank you NationalGeographic].   So that means you could have a flat elevated hill type formation with all sides dropping off like a cliff.  I’m not sure what the correlation is between the landform plateau and the weight loss wall you hit that we call a plateau.  I guess it could be when you are coming down the side of the steep plateau and hit the flat ground…who knows!!?

I would like to welcome you all to the Montgomery Plateau.  It is a place that looks barren and desolate.  There are tumbleweeds that roll by [with whistling music in the background].  I don’t like it here.  It’s ugly and boring and just plain depressing.  Yes, I have hit a plateau this week.  From weeks of losing 2 plus pounds per week for more than a month to a trickle of less than one this week just sucks.  Yuck.  I was hoping to meet a big goal by now and to have lost more than 15 pounds.  Nope, I missed it by a pound.  I know, I know, I’ve done well so far.  I agree.   BUT I don’t want to get stuck!  I am so scared of getting stuck again like I did about 6 months ago.  I have surpassed the last plateau weight, but I was kinda waiting for this to happen.

Don't Give Up! Great Info Here

What did I do different?  It could have been a number of factors. 

·         Not Measuring – I could be getting lazy and not measuring everything I eat to make sure I record the accurate amount consumed.

·         Eating too many calories - Hello Girl Scout Cookies!  I have to stop them!  I may need rehab.

·         Not drinking enough water – I could be storing water weight.

·         Eating too much sodium – I eat saltines and soup often for lunch.  There is sooooo much sodium in both of those, and that makes you retain water too.

·         Not eating enough calories – Ok, this probably not the problem…but it is a possibility.

Let’s talk solutions.

·         Measuring – JUST DO IT!  Measure Everything.  Remember the 7 oz, 5 oz pour of wine [Day4: Measure Up]? 

·         Too many calories – Count everything!  If you measure everything, you should be able put it all into your log/My Fitness Pal and get an accurate reading.  Don’t go over.  You are not going to die if you don’t have 4 thin mints…

·         Water – Drink more water!  Mayo Clinic says women need 72 oz. and men need 104 oz. per day!  We should make sure we get that amount and maybe add another 8-12 oz when you exercise.  I have to keep a water bottle filled on my desk during the day to remember to drink enough.  Water helps rid your body of toxins and fat that is being converted to energy.  If you don’t drink enough you will actually retain water making you weigh more! 

·         Sodium – I’m gonna have to buy the low sodium soup and switch the saltine crackers to carrots I guess.  I can’t imagine low sodium saltines are any good.  Hello, they are called “salt”ines!  Extra sodium will make you retain water making you weigh more too!

·         Too few calories – When you eat too few calories your metabolism slows down as well.  You may not be getting the nutrients that you need and the calories you need to function correctly.  This is a great website to help you calculate how many calories you should be getting.  I did the calculations, and to lose 2 lbs per week, I need to eat no more than 1,337 calories per day.  On the days I don’t exercise, I only eat 1,200.  I wonder if this makes a difference.  On the days that I work out, I usually eat closer to 1,600 because MFP adds the 400 calories I burned at the gym to my calorie limit.  Maybe I will limit my calories to 1,337 every day, but not dip to far below either.  It probably equals out somewhere.

I will try these solutions, and hopefully my plateau will turn back into a nice sloping mountain again.  I would like to exchange the dusty tumbleweeds of the flat land for some cute little white mountain goats!

 Find these cuties Here!

Wish me luck!  I’m hoping for my 15+ weight loss goal will be achieved next Friday….fingers crossed!

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