Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 83: Week 12 Results, Month 3

Three months!  I’ve been doing this for three months!  I can’t believe it.  That just seems like an incredibly long time to have been on a calorie restriction…life change.  When I started writing this blog and counting calories, I knew that it would take a long time to reach my goal.  Especially if I wanted to do it in a healthy way and keep the weight off.  I just seems like it has just blown by though!  Thank goodness.

This week I have been struggling with my best friend and partner [Matt] being out of town, recovering from a sinus infection [nicknamed the Nast], and coping with the weird meds my doc put me on [crazy steroids]. 
·         Usually when Matt is out of town, I get lonely and want to make myself feel better by having some of my bad foods.  Pizza, chocolate, wine, and other goodies were my go-to splurges.  I fought that off this week.  Woohoo!

·         When I’m sick I don’t want to work out.  I just want to lay around and mope in my sickliness…stupid Nast.  With the help of the meds, I actually worked out a lot!

·         The meds for the Nast included a steroid that made me stay awake until at least midnight, and have tons of energy.  I didn’t get much sleep, but I didn’t feel like I needed.  The real challenge will be Sunday, when I don’t take any at all!  I feel a crash coming on.

Here’s what the measurements say:

·         Lost 1.2 pounds since Monday, Lost total of 21.8 pounds so far!

·         Lost 2 inches in the last 3 weeks, Lost total of 23.75 inches so far!
Good Weigh-in!

I still have 5 pounds to go to reach pre-pregnancy weight!  Then I will have another 19 pounds to go to reach my total goal of 40 pounds.  I am just glad to be within sight of my pre-preggers weight!  I will be a very happy girl when I get there…hopefully in about 3 weeks!  Hey, that will be right around my birthday…What a great present!
Here’s hoping I can stay on this winning streak!

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