Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 76: Lost and Found

Normally when you lose something, you look all over for it.  You search high and low.  You get stressed out about it.  You freak out looking for it.  THEN, when you find it, you are totally ecstatic and elated that you found it!  Not the case when losing pounds of fat.  Last week I lost 2 pounds.   Well, guess who found them.  Yep, that would be me.  This morning.  When I looked the scale.  I am sooo mad, angry, no, disappointed. 
I should have known this day would come.  That day when I would step on the scale and weigh more than the previous week.  I just hate it!  It is so disappointing to look down, and see a higher number.  I know some of why it happened.  Last weekend was Beerfest [read Beer/Foodfest].  I also only worked out 3 times this week due to my sinuses wreaking havoc on my body.  I am actually proud of myself for working out two of those days with a runny nose and pounding head.  Then we had a celebration last night for Matt’s brother.  There were yummy Brazilian hors d’ouevres involved as well as irresistible, sugary cake.  That didn’t help! 
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Stop with the excuses, Leah!  Just Do It!  This is what you say in your head all the time, but now you have to comply.  I need to kick my own butt back into gear.  No more going over calories for the day.  No more not working out.  I just have to do it!
What do you do when you have a bad week?  What are some ideas to help jump back in?

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