Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 74: I’ve Got a Bad Feeling

Two words can combine to make one word that strikes fear into the heart of every beer loving person on a diet…Beer…Fest.  Yes, Beerfest.  

Matt and me at Beerfest 2013 in Suwanee!
Every year since 2006, I have been accompanying my awesome husband and some of our friends to the Greater Gator Beerfest down in Gainesville Florida.  My hubs and his friend Damo used to go while they were in college, so this became our new tradition.  We would get into town on Friday and have a fancy steak dinner at a nice restaurant, go out in Gainesville for some drinks, and the Saturday we would get up and go to the Beerfest.  Sunday we would go to a fantastic breakfast place called Ivey’s [seriously the best cheese grits ever!]. 
Beerfests 2006, 2010, 2010, and 2011 starting in upper left...yes that is Tim Tebow!
This year the event was scheduled on Easter weekend.  Not cool.  We decided to change our plans and go to the Suwanee Beerfest this year.  It was this Saturday, and we had a great time!  Needless to say, I did not even log into MFP [].  I was giving myself a day off…that actually turned into two days off.  Friday I was pretty good since I was lucky enough to catch a spin class that morning.  Then it went downhill.

Beerfest was awesome, and I ate a lot more calories than what I was used to.  I paid for it on Sunday!  I felt tired and bloated all day because I pumped myself with such bad, sodium laced stuff.  I’m slowly but surely working my way out of it. 

I’m scared of the scale on Friday!  I stepped on it today, and it had gone back up a pound!  I’m REALLY hoping it’s water weight so I get just get rid of it.  Therefore, I am just going to have to work my but off this week to get the scale back down and a little more.

So far I have upped my cardio by attending a couple of Spin classes at the gym.  Those were awesome!  Then I got to work out with my friend Kathryn [who kicked my butt!!]  This week I was able to get onto another Spin class on Monday.  Then Monday night happened.  I don’t know if it’s allergies or a stupid cold, but I could not make it yesterday morning to the gym.  Yuck!  I hate it when I don’t feel well enough for the gym.  It makes it that much harder to only eat 1200 calories.

This morning I was good enough for some elliptical at the gym.  I am feeling ok,  so that means tomorrow Kathryn will hopefully kick my butt some more!  That will bring me to Friday.  I will see the repercussions of my Beerfest actions on Friday morning around 5:45 am…

Wish me luck this week!

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