Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 82: How Super Woman Feels?

Is this how Super Woman feels?

In no way am I saying that I am a super woman, or that I run around in a cool outfit with other hunky superheroes.  I am feeling super energetic and kinda crazed though.  Since Monday I have been taking Prednisone, a steroid that my doc prescribed for the nasty bacterial sinus infection that I’ve had for a week and a half.  He said that I will feel great, and that I will have a lot of energy.  Well, he wasn’t joking!  Since I started taking it, I have been doing basically two workouts a day!  Tuesday it was Pilates in the am, and then Zumba class in the pm.  Yesterday I ran in the afternoon and did Zumba [so fun!] at home later that evening.  What is going on???!!!  I am usually falling asleep on the couch watching TV with the hubs at 9:30!  Not this week.  It’s been a week of not sleeping much and going a little crazy with my workouts.  [BTW prednisone can cause insomnia too…yuck]
Apparently this is pretty normal for people taking prednisone or other steroids [not the creepy other steroids that meat-heads use].  Weird, right?!  AND it is supposed to make you GAIN weight!  I read one thing that said you would gain because you are more hungry [that’s an understatement].  I want to eat everything in sight, but I’m trying to stick to my calorie limits.  Another article said it was because prednisone increases cortisol, a stress hormone that can make you add or retain fat rather than melt it away.  Yikes!  I actually just lost my 2 beer fest pounds when I weighed in on Tuesday, but I’m afraid they are going to come right back with this. I guess we will see tomorrow…
So here is the game plan.  Drink more water to suppress the hunger and bloating [another lovely side affect].  Eat within my calorie restraints.  Exercise as much as I want, as long as it’s something each day.  Maybe that will keep me to my goal to actually lose weight this week!  I hope so!
This is such a weird post…sorry for the disjointed thoughts! 
I’m sure when I stop taking them I’ll crash, and that may be a better post…or not.

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