Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 69: Be A Groupie

There is something awesome about having one person or a couple of people to work out with.  That being said, I used to be soo nervous going to a group fitness class alone..knowing no one.  I would think, what if I don't know the steps, what if I make a fool out of myself, what if u can't keep up?  Yikes!  Talk about hyper-sensitive!!!!  [picture Mary Katherine Gallagher freaking and smelling her armpits...ok, I don't actually do that...promise].

I had the awesome opportunity to work out with my friend and neighbor Kathryn.  She is super awesome!  She totally kicked butt!  Literally.  My butt is sore!  We did legs yesterday morning, and I am scared about how my legs will feel tomorrow.  It's always the second day after the work out when you really feel it.  [I have a feeling I will be hobbling tomorrow.] Also, I actually burned MORE calories doing my leg workout with Kathryn than I did running for 30 minutes before!!  Awesome!  Thank you Kathryn!  

I took today off, so I moseyed into the gym at 9 instead of my usual 6.  Lucky me, there was a Spin class going on!  Sweet!  I never get to go to any classes!  In the 45 minutes I was in the class, my heart rate exceeded 170 about 10 times.  Whoa.  That is freakin awesome!  I burned 10 calories for each minute of that class.  Yay! 

As you can see, I push myself way harder when I have some company.  It's awesome!  I have got to try to add more of this to my workouts.  Hopefully I will be able to.

Don't have anxiety about working out with others!  They are in the same situation as you. :)

Happy Friday!!!!!

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