Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 58: Hooray for Circuit Training!

Back when I was first trying to get rid of the post-baby weight, I would go to the gym and do the same thing every week.
·         30-45 minutes on the elliptical trainer on level 5 [really low now that I think about it]

·         Or 30-45 minutes on the treadmill running 8 minutes, walking 2 minutes alternating

·         15 minutes of strength training on either upper or lower body alternating Mondays and Wednesdays

As you can see, this got me nowhere.  I was soooo bored!  I hated being on one machine for that long.  Especially after my gym’s cable company cancelled TLC.  [Who knew Big World, Little people would be so addictive!] I was left to sift through bad music videos, infomercials, and depressing news.  Yuck!

Think of the squigglies as different exercise stations!

Then, I did a couple P90X videos and noticed that a lot of them used a circuit look at their workouts.  They would do one exercise for one minute and then switch to another.  This got me thinking about doing circuit workouts at the gym.  My gym has two fitness class rooms, and no classes were being held at 6 am when I am at the gym.  SCORE!  I made myself my own circuit training class!  You will need a step [like for step aerobics, or a stair in your house would work], 2-2lb weights, yoga mat, and 15 lb. weight.   Here is what I do [in minutes]:
Warm up (10:00) – Walk to Run on the treadmill to get my heart rate up to 130

·         1:00 – Alternating step ups [on the step] to knee raise/elbow touch at the top [I hold the 2 lb weights while doing this]

·         2:00 – Lunging march with back leg lift and bun squeeze on each step

·         3:00 – Swing kicks – put a stool or rolled up yoga mat standing on one end in front of you, kick right leg over it to the right, place right foot down to the right of the stool/mat, then kick the left leg over to the right and place food down next to right foot.  Repeat to the left and then the right again until time is up.

·         4:00 – Push ups and triceps dips using the step to dip on

·         5:00 – Squat X – stand with feet apart and arms up to form an X, then squat down and touch your fingertips to the ground while pushing you tush out and back, then stand back up and put your arms out in an X [I do this with the 2 lb weights]

·         REPEAT until you want to puke or your time is up J 
Give yourself about a 5-10 second rest between each exercise to towel off and get water.  I usually do this circuit 4-6 times depending on how much time I have.  My heart rate stays at about 140-150 during the first 2 circuits and then ramps up to close to 160 during the last few.  It’s a great cardio workout and will torch calories while working on toning your muscles.  I do this a couple times a week alternating with Spinning or running.  No more elliptical for me unless I’ve had a rough night or am too sore to run.  The time flies a little faster when you are doing so many different exercises!

Music – I’ve been looking for playlists that have the intervals included as reminders, but haven’t found much.  I’ll keep looking.  I just use the timer on my watch to time.
Apps – There are a few apps out there that create circuit training plans for you!  Cool huh!  I haven’t tried them, but I will try a few and let you know how it goes.  Here are a few:

Let me know if you have tried any of these and like them!

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