Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 79: Roided Up

No, you won’t see me in the gym pumping the big stuff on the free weights side with all the grunting men [ew, gross].  You won’t see me getting huge biceps or ripping my jeans with my thigh muscles.  The only things getting exercised today are the tissues for blowing my nose.  You guessed right, the steroids are for my nasty sinus infection that I was trying to fight off all last week.  Nope.  Didn’t work.  I got to make a special trip to the doc this morning because since Friday, I have had no voice.  It’s gone.  All that is left is a squeaky whisper.  Not cool.
So I left the doctor’s office with a steroid shot in my arm [ouch, more painful than the flu shot], and nose spray in my purse.  Now I have to go get my oral steroid pills, cough syrup, and allergy decongestant.  Whoa!  I don’t remember the last time I had to take sooo many medications at once!  That’s what you get when you push yourself too much. 

I worked out Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday last week while I couldn’t breathe right, and had a sore throat.  I probably should have only done some light walking.  Bad Leah.  It is so easy to push yourself when you shouldn’t sometimes.  [I kept having dreams at night about people being mad at me for not working out…ha!] Sometimes your body just needs a little rest.  In my case, my body tried to start shutting itself down to let me know…yikes.  Good thing I have an awesome hubby that kept telling me to go to the doctor!  Matt, you are the best!
I think I have figured out what was intended [maybe by God] for last week and these couple of days while I’m mending:  Stay within your calorie constraints!  It’s a little test to see if I can live without those extra calories I get from exercising.  If I can do that this week, I should still lose weight.

The challenge is on!
I’m all roided up and ready to … not eat too much J


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