Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 4: Measure Up

The scale says I’ve lost 1.5 pounds!  Yay me! 

Usually at this time in my diet, I have lost a few pounds and am getting bored of eating only 1,200 calories a day.  I miss pizza, and ice cream.  I don’t enjoy measuring out my cereal in the morning so that my 1 cup of multi-grain Cheerios doesn’t turn into 1.5 cups. 

I CERTAINLY don’t like measuring my wine either!  There is not much better than a glass half way full [ok, really ¾ way full] of delicious, calming, velvety red wine.


I poured what I thought to be 5 oz. of wine last night [into my pretty purple tinted glass], and decided I would measure to prove to myself that I could eyeball it.  Well, it turns out I poured 7 oz!  [No more eyeballing for me!] Now, that’s only about 42 more calories, but when you only have 1,200 in a whole day, those extra 42 calories count!  That’s about 10 extra minutes of moderate walking, 6 minutes of aerobics, and about 4 minutes of spin/cycling.  What if I had over shot my cereal by ½ cup?  That would be an extra 55 calories.  Add the 42 calories of wine and 55 calories of cereal, and you have a twenty minute walk you need to do to make up for it!  It adds up quickly.

Since we are talking about measuring, I need to measure myself!  I can’t believe I have forgotten to do this so far.  I will be doing that today.  

Body measurements can tell you more about your weight loss than the scale can sometimes.  Many times when we start exercising and weight training again, our bodies change their composition.  That means replacing flabby fat [yuck] with lean muscle [Woohoo!].  Those 5 pounds of fat actually take up more room than the same 5 pounds of lean muscle.  Just look at it!!  YUCK!

 Also, water weight can affect your scale’s output as well.  If you are not eating healthfully, taking certain medicines, or not drinking enough water you are likely to retain any water that you do drink.    

Think about it.  One 16 ounce bottle of water weighs about 1 pound.  If you drink one of these just before you weigh yourself, you will weigh 1 pound more.  That doesn’t mean that you gained a pound, you just have that extra pound of water weight.  [Whew]

How do I get rid of extra water weight?  This is what I’ve found.

1.       Cut down on sodium.  Lots of microwave dinners and soups have tons of sodium!    Try to look for low sodium options.

2.       Drink MORE water!  Drinking more water can help get excess sodium out of your system, and it flushes excess fluids as well.

3.       Eat naturally diuretic foods.  Some foods like bananas and avocados that are rich in potassium can help get rid of excess liquid in your body.

4.       Exercise! Sweat it out!  Just remember to drink water afterwards.

Learn more info about water weight here:

Homework for tonight is to take measurements and before and after photos!  Woohoo!  Maybe one of these days I will share those…

Happy Thursday!

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