Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 2...not 1?

Day 2…not 1?

Yes, that’s right.  I’m starting a new blog on day 2 of my weight loss adventure.  Why, you say?  Because I need some accountability!  I am trying to get myself healthy and lose some of this weight I’ve been carrying around since Miss Ellis [my sweet baby girl] made her appearance on December 17, 2011.  Yes, that’s not a typo…2011!  I’ve been carrying around this baby weight for more than A YEAR!!!!
Baby Ellis, 2 Days old and 1 Year old!

Let’s start at day 2, post baby.  December 19, 2011 – still in the hospital, but finally starting to feel closer to normal after delivering my precious [but large] 9 pound 2 ounce bundle of joy.  I start thinking to myself, “Hey!  I don’t have that huge belly anymore!”  Then, “Oh, but I do have this semi large smooshy belly now…”  I figured that since I kept exercising up until about 2 weeks before Ellis was due [gotta love swollen feet], I would get rid of the semi large smooshy thing pretty fast.  Well, I was wrong.  I dropped about 30 lbs in the first 6 weeks by breast feeding [that’s a whole other blog!] and walking around the neighborhood with Matt, Chobee [our 7 year old child/dog] while pushing Ellis in the stroller or the baby carrier.

She is Out!!
THEN, after my ok from the doc [after my 3rd degree tear…did I mention Ellis was a big girl?], I started my DVD exercising.  I started slow, and worked up to a pretty good stamina.  I lost about 10 more pounds.  Then the wall came.  I started working again, and then the guilt started too.  Who knew that a working mom would feel too tired and too guilty to work out.  [DUH!]  Apparently this is pretty common.  You wake up a few times a night to feed your precious baby, then leave her for work in the morning, and [crazy enough] I felt too guilty to go to the gym! I felt like I should be at home with Ellis [and sometimes Matt J] rather than spending time at the gym without her.  [Gotta love mommy guilt!] I would get a few work outs in a week [maybe], and I just stopped losing weight. 

No matter how many calories I DIDN’T eat, the scale wouldn’t budge.  I figured the reason was because I was still nursing, and I had heard that nursing can either help you lose weight, or help you keep it on when you are trying to lose it.  So then, I gave myself a little pass to wait until I was done nursing Ellis [lucky me, I have an excuse.  As you see, this is an easy pattern to get into!]

In October, Ellis was done nursing, and I had gained back about 5 more pounds.  I still had the semi large belly, but it wasn’t as smooshy…just a little hangy.  [Sorry if you got a mental image of that…]  I was still carrying around about 17 pounds of baby weight…who knew that pizza and donuts [my main cravings…shocker!] could weigh that much!! 

I did the Advocare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse, which was awesome, and lost about 6 pounds in those 10 days.  Then Thanksgiving came…Then Christmas came…Then New Year’s came.  And NOW it’s January 8th, and now I have 27 pounds to go till I get to my pre-baby weight.  I also want to lose an additional 13 pounds on top of that!

27 + 13 = 40 lbs

I want to do this before July 1.  I don’t know if it is possible, but I’m gonna try. 

And if anyone out there is interested, I will be writing this blog to keep myself accountable!  Join me if you want!  I can always use encouragement, and I know everyone else needs it too!  We are in the same I Wanna Be a Loser…Today boat!

I want to be this same woman…just 40 lbs lighter and healthier!


  1. You can so do this Leah! So proud of you!

  2. Hey Girl! Weight Watchers helped me years ago and I'm trying to do it again. I have 2 sets of baby weight to loose to get back into my old clothes. Which, at this point, I'm wondering how I ever fit into them!

    I'm sure you will get there! It is tough, but you are a super strong chick and can do anything you put your mind to! Just think, you putting this out there will already be encouraging to another person (me)!

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement Katherine Fabulous! I have suceeded with WW too before, but didn't really want to pay the money for it this time. I am using myfitnesspal.com. It's awesome! And free :) I think you will definitely get back into those jeans, or a pair that look fabulous either way :)
