Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3: Sick Dieting

Wedding Day - August 8, 2009
One of the joys of having a wonderful husband is being able to take care of him when he is sick.  That also means that most of the time I will get whatever he had a few days later.  For the past 4 days, I have had the nasty, snotty, sneezey, coughy crud that my hubby had.  Time to break out the yoga pants and lay around all day.

BUT WAIT!  I’m TRYING to lose weight here!!  How am I going to do that when I am sick!  All I want to do is sit around drinking cocoa and eating soup.  Of course the cocoa is much more helpful when you can dip cookies [or graham crackers, yum] into it!  And soup is waaay better when you can dip copious amounts of crackers or [even better] a gooey grilled cheese into it!  There goes the diet.  Well, I didn’t do either of those [yet], and I hope to stay strong and keep the Loser faith. 

Here are some of my coping methods for being sick and trying to lose weight:

1.       Drink hot tea.  Any hot tea.  Even hot water with lemon juice.  It opens up your sinuses with the warm steam, and it has no calories if you drink it without sugar or milk.  If you must, pop a little Splenda in it to sweeten it up without the extra calories.

2.       Drink water.  Water will fill you up, and it can help flush those nasty viruses from your system and keep you hydrated when your faucet for a nose won’t turn off.

3.       Eat broth based soup.  Skip the [yummy, delicious] creamy stuff, and go for a good chicken noodle or veggie soup.  They have much fewer calories and fat grams.  [That way you could sneak in a serving of crackers or oyster crackers and the scale won’t be able to tell J]

4.       Go for a walk.  I have been trying to go for a walk each day I’m sick.  It helps get your metabolism going again so you keep burning those calories and fat.  If you are so sick you can’t move without being dizzy, PLEASE sit your but down and rest!  Also, don’t try the whole walking thing if you have a fever.  That won’t turn out good either.

5.       Eat lots of fruit and veggies!  These are a great source for vitamins C and E that help boost your immune system.  Apples, berries, broccoli, spinach and grapefruit to name a few.  Check out the WebMD website to learn more:

I cheated a little and weighed myself today, so I know that I am on the right track and my [pain in the butt] cold is not derailing my efforts.  Yay me!  We will see what the scale wants to say on Thursday…Yikes!


What are some things that you do to make yourself feel better when you are sick?


I always snuggle up with my grandma Marilyn’s quit.  It makes me feel like I’m at home and my mom is taking care of me J 

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