Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 15: Week 2, Results

Lions, Tigers, and Scales...Oh My!

Last week was a tough one, and I stepped on the scale this morning fully expecting to not have lost anything [or possibly gained].  All the meetings, eating out, and not being able to exercise was getting to me. 

Love the Special K scales!

But...I lost 1.8 pounds!  Go me!  I was pretty shocked to see the scale.  I even stepped back on to make sure it wasn't wrong.  It wasn't!  Now I have lost a grand total of 4 pounds!  Yay! 

Now, I am going to celebrate and have a chocolate cake.  Ok, no chocolate cake.  Maybe I'll have some dark chocolate instead...just a couple squares.  Woohoo. 

That makes me think, why do we celebrate with food so often?  Birthday dinners and cakes?  Christmas Eve Dinner?  Easter Brunch?  Friday Pizza Night?  Thanksgiving Dinner? It seems like any time we celebrate something, the celebration is centered around food.  How can I change this for my family?

Maybe have a Birthday Dance Party? 

Christmas Eve Game Night?

Easter Volunteering?

Friday Movie Night?

Thanksgiving...ok, that one is really about the food. [And oh yeah, being Thankful!]

I don't know.  I need to think about that one.  I want my kids to grow up knowing that celebrations are about activities and reasons, not all about food.  How do we do that?  Do you know?



  1. That's one of the things they preach about at Weight Watcher meetings is celebrating your successes without food. Or having social activities that don't revolve around food. It's pretty interesting! Go Leah!
