Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 18: Inspire me away from ice cream cake.

Office birthdays mean ice cream cake.  Well, we had a little celebration yesterday for Dec and Jan birthdays.  One of the birthday boys is actually on a low carb diet, so there was a bowl of fruit for him…and of course the ice cream cake for everyone else.  Awesome, right!  Normally a person on a diet would be so psyched to just eat some fresh fruit as an alternative to the ice cream cake.  Wellllll, I couldn’t resist the ice cream cake.  I did have a small slice…topped [of course] with the fresh fruit.  So I actually did have the fruit…but I also had the bad ice cream cake too…great job dieting queen!

Luckily, I did Spin [ridiculously hard stationary bike workout] that morning and burned like a million calories [about 500], so I was covered.  Yesterday was just one of those days when I couldn’t say no to any food.  Laffy Taffy – Yes!  Ice Cream Cake – Absolutely!  Double Churned Edy’s Peanutbutter Fudge Sundae Ice Cream [low-fat at least] – Why not! 
I need some inspiration to be able to say no to these vices.  There are some ways that I have heard of to remind yourself of your goals and inspire you to do better.  Here they are:

Inspiration Photos:
Usually I have photos of myself at my desired weight posted at work, in the fridge, and in the pantry and that usually works to discourage my bad eating.  There are just a few:
2006 - Girl's Trip to FL
2007 - Surfing lessons in Maui
2011 - Beerfest...then Ellis came along :)
[I was training for a triathlon]

These are positive statements of something that is true…or in this case want to be true.  Here are a few

1.       I am a beautiful, strong, healthy woman.

2.       I am physically fit.

3.       I eat healthfully to fuel my body.

These are a grouping of words that is capable of “creating transformation” [thank you Wikipedia]. Basically they are little inspirational statements that encourage you to keep going.  I have a few that I printed on a label maker and stuck them to my monitor at work.

1.       More Time, Training, & Tenacity [that’s what losing weight takes, and also training for a triathlon…that’s another blog..]

2.       Keep Moving Forward [If you stumble at lunch time, get back up and do good for dinner]

3.       It’s my hand, I can control it [because your hand is what puts the food in your mouth]
Google Weight Loss Mantras and you will find tons!

Now, I’ve got my photos, and I have my mantras.  I need to work on my affirmations.  Maybe I will put them in my phone on an alarm setting or something…hmmm.
Go out and be inspired!!!  Avoid Ice Cream Cake at all costs!

You are worth it!

Keep Moving Forward!


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