Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8: Rainy Case of the Mundays

Here in the beautiful state of Georgia, it is a rainy, nasty Monday.  I was 10 minutes late.  I spilled my coffee in my car [luckily not on me].  Great start to a Monday, right?  Thank God I had a better experience with my scale this morning.  I have officially lost 2.2 pounds since I weighed in on day 1 [last Monday]!  Yay!

This weekend was actually not terrible [diet-wise].  Saturday I actually got up and exercised wearing my heart rate monitor [gift from my Dad last Christmas J].  I did the P90X Cardio X [I say that very toughly in person…channeling my inner Tony Horton (arms up in an X)].  The HR monitor said I burned 600 calories!  Woohoo! P90X work outs always, never fail, make me sore.  Today it was the little muscles in the back of my arms and along the sides of my shoulders from the kickboxing. 

Also, Saturday I had dinner with some great friends, and I was asked to bring the dessert.  I made a healthier version of strawberry shortcake…in Mason jars!  Yum!  I will have it up on my other blog [To Make or Not to Make] hopefully by Wednesday.  I’ll let you know when it’s up.

That’s all I have for today, it’s been a busy one!  I hope you don’t have a case of the Mundays…
from Office Space

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