Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 24: Week 3 Results

I have to say that I cheated a little.  I actually weighed myself for my 3 week results a few days ago...ok Friday actually.  Good news is, I lost another 2 pounds!  So that makes a total lost of 6 pounds so far.  Woohoo!  I'm on track.  Now hopefully I can stay on track. 

This week has been a struggle so far.  Well, at least it seems like it.  I feel like each day I have eaten not great.  Yesterday I went to an appreciation lunch with some other ladies from work sponsored by one of my sales guys.  I was about to order the grilled chicken salad when the waiter said that they had a special today.  Duhn-Duhn-Duhn!!!!  Chicken Salad sandwich!  Ok, I have loved chicken salad sandwiches for a few years now.  [Jason's Deli's is my fav I had pineapple in it!] When I was pregnant I couldn't eat them, unless I made it myself.  Supposedly pre-made chicken salad can harbor listeria [super bad for preggers ladies].  So I have had it a few times since having Ellis.  I couldn't control myself, I had to get it.  At least I did fore go the potato salad and chips for a cucumber tomato salad for my side.  This sandwich was huge!  And delicious.  I ate the first half expecting to not eat the second, but my Dad was in my head saying, "Leah, you better finish what you ordered."  Well thanks Dad, that is exactly what happened.  I finished the whole thing!  Along with the tomato cucumber salad.  I could hear my Dad, "Good job Leah."  Well, bad job Leah!  You were supposed to only eat half.  I've GOT to do better.

Portion control.  That is what I need!  At home, it's easy because I can be dorky and measure my food out before putting it on the plate.  Then I can clean my plate [and make Dad happy].  Restaurants are where I get into trouble.  I don't want to waste food, and it tastes sooo good.

In a study done by the CDC [Do Increased Portion Sizes Affect How Much We Eat?], when a group of people were presented a large portion of food, they ate 30% more calories than presented with the same food, but in a smaller portion size.  Only 45 % of the participants noticed that there was a difference in the size of portions served.  Therefore, it seems like our brain tells us to eat more when we are presented with more food.  How can we fix this?
  • Split the entree you order at a restaurant with a friend
  • Measure out only one serving in a bowl of your snack instead of sitting down on the couch with the whole bag of chips
  • Keep healthy snacks available so that you don't get too hungry before a big meal
  • Ask the server to box up half of your entree before they bring it out [never done this, but I should try...obviously]
Tomorrow we are going to probably get Mexican food for dinner, and I am going to try out these strategies and see how they work!  Did you know that 12 tortilla chips is one serving?  Whoa.

Happy portioning!


  1. Just take Matt with you, he will eat half of your portion!

    1. You are a wise man, Dave. I was actually thinking to myself, Matt would NEVER split something with me, but you have come up with the perfect solution! Ha
