Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 12: Need a Panic Button?

When I was doing weight watchers, they had a little button on their website that was the Panic Button.  You could click on it and it would take you to a page with success stories and motivation.  This morning I kinda hit the panic button.  I was thinking that I was way over this week, and why not just say to heck with it and get a Chicken Biscuit for breakfast from Chick-fil-a.  I am SOOOO glad I didn’t do that!  [They always make me feel really greasy and yuck, but they are my one true hangover cure!  And no, I was not hung over.] I was just feeling really down on myself, and didn’t want to deal with it today.

Here is what I did.  I Googled “diet encouragement”.  The first link I clicked on said “Inspirational Weight Loss Quotes.”  Yes!  This is what I need!  A little motivation that what I have been doing for two weeks is worth not eating pizza or a donut.  Here is the quote I found was most encouraging:

“Permanent weight loss begins with the acknowledgement that you want more out of life.  You must decide that you are deserving of more happiness, more joy, and more peace.  You want to return to the aliveness that you were born with.”

                                From Catherine L. Taylor,

I do want more out of life than eating high fat, high calorie foods!  I’m sure you do too.  I want to be able to run around with my daughter and not get tired.  I want to be able to make my husband feel proud that I am on his arm.  [I know he is already, but I want to make him even more proud!]  I want to be able to look in the mirror at my reflection and say, “I did it!”  This quote just really made me think about it.  I AM deserving, and no pizza or donut can give me the feeling I want.  Yay!

I remember a saying that was really popular a few years ago, “That food doesn’t taste as good as being skinny feels.”  I don’t ever want to be considered skinny [curvy is way better for me], but this statement is so true.

Here is something to encourage you.  When you want to pick up a piece of cake or candy bar, [that thing that will bring down your diet and good intentions], say to yourself…

“Does this ________ taste as good as being healthy feels?”