Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 39: The Good, the Bad, and the Sick

At Dinner with Dave and Hollis in Steamboat, CO

The Good:

I am so excited to say that my hubs and some other friends of ours [Mariah and John] are now using My Fitness Pal!  It is fun to be friends on it with them, and we can all keep each other accountable.  It is so awesome to have friends with similar goals in mind.  It also makes hanging out and having fun easier on the figure if everyone has like goals.  We can have just as much fun with grilled fish and corn on the cob as we can with fried pickles and chicken wings [yes it’s possible].  Thanks y’all!

The Bad:

So I’m back from skiing and trying to get back into the swing of watching what I eat and working out.  It is so difficult to make yourself get out of bed to go to the gym [at the butt crack of dawn] when you haven’t done it in a week.   It is SOOOO easy to break a habit!  You know what “they” say, it takes 21 days to create a habit.  [Who the heck are “they” anyways?]  Welllllll, I’ve got 20 more to go because this is the first day I have gone back to my early morning workouts.  Once I roll out of bed I’m good, but it’s the rolling that is difficult!  I just have to keep thinking…YOU ARE A THIRD OF THE WAY TO YOUR FIRST GOAL [lose 30 lbs]!  YOU GOTTA DO IT!

Ellis' Carseat
The Sick:
I hate it when I’m sick.  I really hate it when my hubs is sick.  It’s a whole other story when Ellis is sick!  Especially when she has tummy troubles.  On Sunday she had a little [TMI Alert] diarrhea issue, but I didn’t think much of it.  That is, until we were on our way to see my bro Adam’s newly designed apartment to deliver cupcakes.  Yep, got about 10 minutes down the road and…BARF.  Not me, but my sweet little Ellie-Belly.  Poor thing puked all over herself and the car seat…and had to sit in it until we got back home [thankfully only 10 minutes].  This is my first major baby puking experience, so I was a bit horrified.  Matt ended up taking the cupcakes for me, and Ellis and I hung out a little and she went to bed early.    That left me to clean the car seat.  I want to strangle whoever decided it was a great idea to make a car seat so complicated with all these stupid crevices and cracks that puke likes to find and get stuck in.  Not only was I trying to clean this thing out at night outside, but it was also raining!  I just wanted to hose the thing off, but no, couldn’t do that in the rain.  So I got to hand wash the entire car seat [fabric parts removed and put in the washer of course].   I hadn’t worked out that day, so I used that 30 minutes of “strenuous cleaning” for my cardio in MFP [My Fitness Pal].  Score!  Hopefully this nasty bought of sickness will not spread to us and go away quickly!

So actually the bad and the sick were not so bad after all.  I got calorie expenditure from both, and I’m well on my way to starting a good habit!

What good habit are you starting today?  The Time is Now!


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