Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 34: It's been a Month Already!

Imagine that...ha

1 Month Check up
Total Weight Loss: 8.2 lbs          
Total Inches Lost: 12 inches (bust, hips, stomach, arms, thighs)

That’s pretty good for my first serious month of weight loss.  Thank you for everyone in my life who has been so supportive and helpful J  You make this easier for me!  Also, thank you to my friends Mariah and Kimberly who help me stay motivated on MFP [My Fitness Pal].   We can do it!!!
Not only was I blessed this week with an awesome trip to Colorado where I skied and got to hang out with family and good friends, but I also got a wonderful [sarcasm] take home gift…sore knees and sore calves.  The knee soreness is pretty predictable, but the calf soreness is just stupid!  I was hobbling up stairs at the house in Colorado.  That was really cute... Thank goodness there are no stairs in our house!  Because of my soreness, I decided to take yesterday and today off for the gym.  That reduces my normal calorie intake to close to 1,200.  That’s not much.  Yesterday I ended up right around 1,200, but I’m a little worried about tonight!  I am going to have some drinks and watch a movie with my honey.  Therefore, I’ve got to figure something else out about exercise.  Maybe I will go for a walk around the mall near my work.  Then maybe we will take Ellis and Chobee on a walk when I get home from work.  That would work out to be maybe 2 drinks?  I hope so!

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